Villa Saboia

Client: Villa Saboia Villa Saboia is a prestigious restaurant on Estoril’s oldest avenue which, as well as serving delicious meals, places its customers in a refined, family atmosphere. 01/ Challenge: Website Redesign Taking advantage of the structure of the Villa Saboia website, we were asked by the client to redesign the website to reflect the concept of luxury and family, with special attention to improving the user experience when interacting with the website, particularly in the booking forms for the restaurant. 02/ Project phases 1. Studies and Research We began the project by carrying out detailed research intothe “Villa Saboia” brand. Analysing the competition, your target audience and researching new formats/structures for physical and digital menus and contact forms for bookings. The website’s objectives have been identified, such as: highlighting thethe quality of the food and the family concept of the place. 2. Implementation and Responsive Some of the structures from the old website were used, and the entire website underwent a major redesign, improving user navigation and the communication channels between the restaurant and its customers, particularly the reservation service. After the redesign, using the latest technologies, we made the new website responsive and adaptable to all screens. 3. SEO and Final Tests Finally, once the last tests and adjustments had been made, the website was passed on to the Marketing team to optimise the entire website (SEO, Google Search Console, Google My Business, etc.). 03/ Results In addition to another satisfied partner joining the PELICAN BAY family, both websites have made the user experience more positive and easier in terms of contact forms for bookings and orders. Website Villa Saboia BeforeThen see also the project Gelados da Villa, by the same client Gelados da Villa Gelados da Villa


Client: Be Ideas Be Ideas is a communications agency with 10 years’ experience in press relations, digital and content creation. He entrusted us with his old website and set us a new challenge. 01/ Challenge: Website Website Due to the constant need to be up-to-date and in celebration mode of its 10th anniversary, Be Ideas set itself the challenge of developing a new website that would increase its reputation among clients and competitors alike. 02/ Project phases 1. Studies and Research Analysis of the competition and research into formats and colours that would be the new face of the Be Ideas website, while maintaining consistency with its visual identity. 2. Mockup Development of a mockup that reflected our partner’s request, a powerful redesign, materialised in a new intuitive and simple website focusing on the projects developed and constantly updating the blog page with news and events. 3. Implementation and Responsive The new content to be available on the website was created and the mockup was implemented using the latest technologies. After implementation, the web team made the new website responsive and adaptable to all screens (mobile and tablet). 4. SEO and Final Tests Finally, once the last tests and adjustments had been made, the website was passed on to the Marketing team to optimise the entire website (SEO, Google Search Console, Google My Business, etc.). 03/ Results With the new website, we have seen a significant increase in traffic to the website, as well as an increase in user time spent on the website and contacts for partnerships. Website Be Ideas BeforeThen

Successful Websites: The Transformative Role of Online Design

A website is the online gateway for any company. It is essential that your website design is attractive, functional and capable of engaging those who visit it. In this search for digital excellence, an agency specializing in web design comes into play, such as PELICAN BAY, which plays a crucial role in creating websites capable of boosting the online success of any company. A well-executed website design is like a mirror that reflects your brand’s unique identity. It goes beyond aesthetics, being also intuitive for its visitors, as if anticipating their needs and offering solutions in a harmonious way. An excellent website must be responsive, like a digital chameleon, adapting to different devices and screen sizes, providing a consistent experience on any platform. To create a truly exceptional website, it is essential to consider the user experience (UX) and the user interface (UI). A qualified web design team is capable of creating layouts with a clear information architecture and flowing navigation. It’s as if users navigate between pages, with everything within just a few clicks. Captivating visual elements, such as vibrant colors, elegant typography and detailed icons, are carefully chosen to tell your brand’s story and make the user experience when visiting your website unique. The result is a visual symphony that builds your company’s credibility and keeps your visitors engaged and promising to return. By investing in the design of your website, you establish a prominent online presence, differentiating yourself from the competition and boosting the success of your business. What are you waiting for?

Rebranding: Renewing the Visual Identity of a Company or Brand

Rebranding is a marketing strategy that aims to revitalize and renew a brand’s image. It is often used by companies to reposition themselves in the market, seeking to adapt to changes and preferences that occur over time. They also seek to stand out from the competition. Through rebranding, it is possible to find different ways to update your visual identity, such as redesigning your logo, reformulating the message that the company intends to convey, often redefining concepts and/or values ​​to also correspond to current needs and trends. of consumers. However, rebranding must be carefully thought out and designed in such a way that its execution complements, and does not alter, the essence of the brand, thus allowing better recognition by existing consumers. This process requires organization and meticulous research into the market you want to reach, with the collaboration of various professionals from the area of ​​Marketing to Design. In short, this action is an added value to boost the growth and success of a brand, rejuvenating it and adapting it to market needs. When carried out strategically, rebranding can attract new customers, awaken different consumer interests and ensure a strong and competitive positioning in the market. We are waiting for you to grow together!

Why you should invest in Google Ads

1. Introduction – what is Google Ads In an increasingly digital world with increasingly relentless competition, it is crucial to invest in effective advertising strategies.In this sense, online is indispensable, and Google Ads appears as a necessary solution for success.Google Ads is an online advertising platform from Google, which allows you to create paid advertisements, which are subsequently displayed in Google search results and on other partner websites.With it, companies can increase their visibility, reach their target audience and drive relevant traffic to their website.Would you like to understand how? Read on and find out 2. What Google Ads can bring to your business Google Ads has advanced analysis and performance tracking features available, allowing you to accurately measure return on investment. With data and metrics, it is possible to adjust advertising strategies, optimize campaigns and direct investment to the areas that bring the best results. Google Ads offers several features to help your company achieve its online advertising goals. Some of the key features include: Ad creation: You can create personalized ads with text, images or videos to be displayed in Google search results and on other partner websites; Target audience segmentation: You can select who will see your ads based on criteria such as geographic location, language, interests and demographics, ensuring that your messages reach the right people; Budget management: Define how much you are willing to invest in your ads, being able to adjust your daily budget and manage your expenses to control your investment; Performance tracking: Google Ads provides tools to analyze the performance of your campaigns, such as the number of clicks, impressions and conversions, allowing you to evaluate the return on investment and make adjustments to optimize your results; Remarketing: With this functionality, you can display ads to people who have already visited your website, increasing the chances of reconversion and reinforcing your brand in users’ minds. These are just some of the many features available in Google Ads, which can be customized according to your company’s specific needs.Investing in Google Ads allows a company to stand out from the competition, ensuring that it reaches its target audience more easily, thus increasing the chances of success and sustainable growth. 3. Conclusion – PB has services available to deal with this Google Ads is a fundamental Digital Performance tool. And, like other aspects, Digital Marketing and Web design need not be a concern for you. PELICAN BAY is the solution, our team of digital marketing experts has the knowledge and experience necessary to create and optimize effective campaigns on Google Ads, to maximize your results.With our support, you can reach your target audience, increase your online visibility and get the maximum return on your investment. We just need: What objectives do you want to achieve, for example, calls, purchases on your online website, presenting a brand, among others; What budget do you have available; If I am aware of your competitors; Some keywords that you think are important for your business; Billing profile; What is your target audience; Company/business information. With this information gathered, contact us so we can present you with a strategic plan and start seeing your results appear.