Client: Marlo

It produces and sells premium outdoor furniture for both B2C and B2B. The items it sells have a premium quality that's well above average and a commensurate price range, which makes it a "niche" customer.


Challenge: Digital presence (rebrand), social media management and PPC campaigns (Google Ads and Meta Ads)

There was already a project with Pelican Bay, in which the product marketed was the same. Marlo was born out of a complete rebrand, in which the challenge was to support the creation of a digital presence and then (at the time) have all digital communication managed by Pelican Bay, in order to bring results in terms of increased awareness, lead generation and sales.


Actions taken



In less than 6 months, Marlo has a constant presence and more and more followers on social media. In addition to this, in a short space of time we were able to generate contact requests/more information and direct sales on the website.
Pelican Bay has succeeded in meeting the proposed objectives and remains committed and dedicated to increasing results and bringing value to the Marlo brand.

Website and Social Media Marlo