Client: OZ Shade

OZ Shade was a successful pioneer in implementing shading systems with tensioned membranes (Shade Sails). With 12 years at the forefront, it was necessary to work on strategies to increase the volume of consumers.


Challenge: Social Media Management, Google Ads Campaigns and Website

Among the many competitors in the digital world, Pelican Bay has revitalised its social media strategy, where the main challenge was to increase brand awareness. In an effort to build reputation, an organic plan was developed to boost the audience further. The strategy involved creative and storytelling improvements, as well as making full use of the advantages of each platform. On the other hand, Google Ads campaigns were also used to tackle the medium's fierce competition, using Search, Remarketing and Display campaigns. As a complement, work was also carried out on the new website, which embraced the new design already adopted by the various touchpoints.


Project phases



The work with this client is constant and necessary, with constant evolution, both in social networks and in the optimisation of Google Ads campaigns. For OZ Shade, Pelican Bay represents a source of results and organisation, with daily monitoring that guarantees performance towards objectives in the brand's different media.

Oz Shade Social Media and Website