Client: Gaspacho & Migas

At Gaspacho & Migas you'll find meals that combine Algarvian and Alentejo food. One of the secrets of food is to make it slowly, eat it even more slowly and preferably in good company, and the client chose us as his partner in an appetising and successful challenge.


Challenge: Website Website

The client arrived with the challenge of revolutionising their website, as they felt it didn't live up to the quality of the food they served. He had clear intentions of whetting the appetite of those who visited his new website, not leaving without first making a reservation, even if it meant travelling to the Algarve.


Project phases



In addition to a website that clearly presents the values of Gaspacho & Migas, we have managed to whet the appetite of many visitors, causing the number of bookings to soar.

Website Gaspacho & Migas

Mockup Website Gaspacho & Migas