Facebook Ads: How to implement the Pixel?

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Suggested reading: Facebook Pixel: What is it and how important is it?
Have you ever wondered how to implement the Facebook Pixel on your website in order to measure campaign conversions effectively? In this article we’ll share step-by-step instructions on how to do it.
There are several ways to implement the Facebook Ads Pixel, adding code directly to your website, using plugins, and via Google Tag Manager. The method that Pelican Bay recommends is to implement it through Google Tag Manager. This is a medium-difficult configuration, but following the step-by-step instructions shared in this article will make it a simpler process.

Pros and cons of each method:

Adding code to the website

  • This process is the most complex, requiring technical knowledge in programming, and is the least advisable for those working in Marketing, as it is always necessary to use a programmer. In addition, the implementation of the pixel script and the corresponding conversion event scripts impairs the user experience, affecting the website’s loading speed.

Implementation via a plugin

  • The simplest method is to install a plugin in the website’s backoffice, we recommend pixelyoursite. The integration of the pixel through this plugin is automatic, and there is no need to set up conversion events. However, it is not possible to create custom events and you can only use standard conversions, which is a disadvantage as you have less control over the conversions you want to measure.

Configuration via Google Tag Manager

  • This configuration is of medium difficulty, requires no programming knowledge and can be carried out by a marketing professional. However, all conversion events must be configured manually, including standard conversions, allowing for greater flexibility and customization of conversion events. This is the method we will explain below.

How to implement Pixel via Google Tags Manager:

Step 1 – Create a Google Tags Manager account

Step 2 – access the website backoffice (wordpress) and add the GTM codes

Step 3 – Add the Facebook Pixel template to the workspace

Step 4 – Create a tag using the Facebook Pixel Template

Go to the event manager of your ads account and copy the Pixel ID and paste it into the Tag

Note: Just paste the pixel ID, don’t set any other parameters.

Step 5 – Create the Pixel trigger

Step 6 – Submit the Pixel tag

Step 7 – Check the Pixel on the website
Use the following extension: Meta Pixel Helper

Following this step-by-step process makes it simple and intuitive. However, if you don’t have much experience in digital marketing or are a self-taught entrepreneur, some of the steps may be more complicated and you’ll have to turn to an experienced professional in the field.

Don’t put off implementing Facebook Ads Pixel, its configuration is crucial to the success of your campaigns, and therefore to the success of your business. Start measuring the results of your ads today and optimize your campaigns effectively using the valuable information collected by the Pixel.