OZ Shade

Capa OZ Shade

Client: OZ Shade OZ Shade was a successful pioneer in implementing shading systems with tensioned membranes (Shade Sails). With 12 years at the forefront, it was necessary to work on strategies to increase the volume of consumers. 01/ Challenge: Social Media Management, Google Ads Campaigns and Website Among the many competitors in the digital world, Pelican Bay has revitalised its social media strategy, where the main challenge was to increase brand awareness. In an effort to build reputation, an organic plan was developed to boost the audience further. The strategy involved creative and storytelling improvements, as well as making full use of the advantages of each platform. On the other hand, Google Ads campaigns were also used to tackle the medium’s fierce competition, using Search, Remarketing and Display campaigns. As a complement, work was also carried out on the new website, which embraced the new design already adopted by the various touchpoints. 02/ Project phases 1. Studies and Research This initial phase involved identifying competitors, the sector, key metrics and the brand’s needs, as well as those of consumers. 2. Design and strategy Based on all the data acquired, the tone of the brand was defined, as well as the basic themes to be communicated through an editorial plan. This required joint action between design and the marketing department, in order to transform the strategy into the brand’s visuals. 3. Google Ads At the same time, a paid communication strategy was developed for the brand in order to increase awareness, giving visibility to 12 years of experience at the forefront of the sector. 4. Website In addition to social media and Google Ads, website development also plays a key role in brand visibility. A job carried out by the Web Design team, with the collaboration of the Marketing team in optimising it. 03/ Results The work with this client is constant and necessary, with constant evolution, both in social networks and in the optimisation of Google Ads campaigns. For OZ Shade, Pelican Bay represents a source of results and organisation, with daily monitoring that guarantees performance towards objectives in the brand’s different media. Oz Shade Social Media and Website @oz_shade ozshade.com

Content Marketing for Social Media: A Comprehensive Strategy

Content marketing has become a central point in digital marketing strategies, especially on social networks. These platforms are not just mere communication channels: they aredynamic, virtual environments where brands and consumers interact in real time.Creating a coherent content strategy for social media requires detailed planning, in-depth knowledge of the target audience and the ability to adapt quickly to the changes that take place over time. This article presents an in-depth approach to creating a content marketing strategy focused on social networks. The first thing to think about when creating a content strategy is to understand who the target audience is. This involves demographic research, collecting basic data such as age, gender, location and occupation, a psychographic analysis (market research that classifies population groups according to psychological variables), in order to understand the interests, values, attitudes and behaviors of the target audience. The creation of personas (possible fictional representations of ideal clients) is essential to guide the creation of relevant and attractive content. Setting specific objectives is essential for measuring the success of your content strategy. Objectives can include: increasing engagement, measured by likes, comments, shares and interactions; generating leads, collecting contact information through content offers; increasing conversion, turning followers into loyal customers; and strengthening the brand, by improving brand awareness and perception. Another important point is: Not all social networks are suitable for all brands. The choice of platforms should be based on the target audience and the marketing objectives: Facebook is good for diverse content, such as blog posts, videos and events.Instagram is ideal for visual content such as photos, short videos and stories.Twitter is effective for quick updates, news and direct interactions in real time.LinkedIn is best for B2B and professional content.TikTok is excellent for creative content and shorter videos, especially for a younger audience. The creation of relevant and engaging content is the key point of a content marketing strategy, as is the organization of the work process, such as: having a calendar with all the content that helps to organize and plan publications in advance; including dates and timesof publication, determining the best time for publication based on the activity of the target audience and planning monthly themes or campaigns to maintain consistency and coherence. Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for increasing the visibility of content such as: Monitoring mentions and hashtags gives you a general idea of what is being said about the brand. An effective content marketing strategy for social media needs a deep understanding of the audience, clear objectives, diverse content and an interactive approach that is always based on data analysis. With these practices and analyses, it is possible to build a presencecoherent and consolidated on social networks, to boost a brand’s success in the digital world

Stationary: How can this detail influence a company’s image and efficiency?

Estacionário PB

In the business world, attention to detail often translates into concrete, tangible results. While some professionals and companies underestimate the importance of stationary, its quality and presentation have a considerable impact on a company’s efficiency and image . Good stationary is not just a question of aesthetics, but also of functionality and brand representation. In this article, we explore how well thought-out stationary can positively influence the working atmosphere, productivity and customers’ perception of a company. First of all, the stationary is more than just a pen and paper. It’s an extension of the corporate identity. The consistency in the branding, from the envelopes to the notepads, conveys professionalism and visual coherence. When office materials are designed with attention todetails and reflect the company’s values, this strengthens a possible emotional connection with the company’s customers and conveys trust. In addition, good stationary can have a positive impact on the productivity of the company’s employees . How? Imagine a team equipped withwell-designed notebooks, pens and business cards that are consistent with the company’s visual identity. Several studies show that an organized and aesthetically pleasing work environment can increase the productivity and creativity of your employees. One aspect that is often underestimated is the psychological influence of the stationary on customers’ perception of the company they are going to hire. When a customer receives a letter on high-quality paper or a well-designed business card, it doesn’t go unnoticed. These details can leave a lasting impression, conveying the message that the company cares about quality in every aspect of its business. The functionality of the stationary is also crucial. Pens that don’t fail, paper that absorbs ink without smudging and envelopes that are resistant are essential to ensure the efficiency of daily tasks. Investing in quality stationary can even save time. In conclusion, stationary is an essential element in the business world that is often underestimated. Whether it’s through brand representation, improving the working environment or the impression it has on customers, good stationary can make all the difference. Therefore, the stationary is of significant importance when applied to a company. From the selection and quality of office materials, to the significant impact they have on productivity and the corporate image they convey to the outside world, companies must recognize the importance of good stationary. If you need quality stationary in line with your brand, contact Pelican Bay! We’re here to take your company to the next level.

Dr. Rúben Malcata Nogueira

Client: Dr. Rúben Malcata Nogueira Dr. Rúben Malcata Nogueira is a plastic surgeon specializing in aesthetic and reconstructive procedures. When it entered the highly competitive plastic surgery market, it recognised the importance of developing a strong and distinctive brand to stand out from its competitors. 01/ Challenge: Creation of logo, website and Google Ads campaigns The company faced several challenges when starting its branding project, the most prominent of which were: the competitiveness of the plastic surgery sector, differentiation within the business area and conveying trust to its target audience. The need to communicate the brand and its services was also identified, with a focus on recognition and attracting consumers interested in the aesthetic and surgical services provided by Dr Rúben Malcata Nogueira. 02/ Project phases 1. Studies and Research The company faced several challenges when starting its branding project, the most prominent of which were: the competitiveness of the plastic surgery sector, differentiation within the business area and conveying trust to its target audience. The need to communicate the brand and its services was also identified, with a focus on recognition and attracting consumers interested in the aesthetic and surgical services provided by Dr Rúben Malcata Nogueira. 2. Design and Concept Based on all the information acquired, the logo was developed. This one was created using a minimalist and elegant style. Visual elements were considered that conveyed the idea of confidence and well-being, aspects associated with plastic surgery. 3. Business card and file cover design With the logo defined, other elements were developed, such as the business cards and the file cover. The business cards contain contact details and additional information in a clear and legible way, ensuring that they make a striking first impression. Also on the cards, a QR code has been added, with a direct link to the website, making it easy for the user to access and dispelling their curiosity. Archive covers were also developed, so that after consultations, clients would have somewhere to store all their case documents safely and impeccably. 4. Mockup e Implementação – Website The design of Dr Rúben’s website was developed and structured in a strategic and intuitive way, making it easy to navigate and access information. Providing relevant information about the procedures, services and experience of Dr Rúben Malcata Nogueira. 5. Responsive One of the main focuses was the creation of a responsive website, which adapts to different devices and screen sizes. The design took into account the user experience on smartphones, tablets and desktops, ensuring that the website was visually pleasing and functional on all platforms. 6. SEO and Final Tests Finally, once the last tests and adjustments had been made, the website was passed on to the Marketing team to optimise the entire website (SEO, Google Search Console, Google My Business, etc.). 7. Google Ads campaigns Following this market analysis, it was decided which budget to use for the brand’s sales objectives, as well as the brand awareness objectives. It was a successful implementation that saw the budget increased in favour of increasingly ambitious objectives, with daily monitoring of relevant KPIs and constant campaign optimisation. 03/ Results The Dr Rúben Malcata Nogueira brand has acquired a complete and cohesive visual identity for his image as a plastic surgeon. Through the logo, business cards, file covers and website, the brand gained professionalism, sophistication and credibility. The new visual identity has helped to strengthen its online presence, attracting new patients and reinforcing its reputation as a plastic surgeon of excellence. Through Google Ads campaigns, we communicate the new look on a daily basis, resulting in an increase in enquiries and transformative success stories, both digitally and in terms of consumer self-esteem. Dr. Rúben Malcata Nogueira logo @dr.rubenmalcatanogueira Website Dr. Rúben Malcata Nogueira rubenmalcatanogueira.pt see also the branding project of dr. rúben malcata nogueira Dr. Rúben Malcata Nogueira Dr. Rúben Malcata Nogueira