
Client: PROLogin PROLogin is a company specialising in the sale of computer equipment and software. You are one of our successful partners and have always trusted us to optimise your website’s performance and generate new leads. The next step in our relationship was to work with the web team to redesign the website. 01/ Challenge: Website redesign and Leads Generator While maintaining its structure and visual identity, the challenge was to reorganise all the information about the company, products and services and, of course, modernise the website for a more innovative, simple and technological look. Something to prove to your customers that PROLogin is always updated. 02/ Project phases 1. Studies and Research Analysing the competitor’s communication strategy and researching a more modern and up-to-date look & feel. Organise all the information about the company, its products and services in a logical and intuitive way for the user. 2. Mockup Creation of a mockup with a view to an attractive and functional design, maintaining PROLogin’s visual identity and projecting a website where usability and user experience were the focus. 3. Implementation and Responsive The new content to be available on the website was created and the mockup was implemented using the latest technologies. After implementation, the web team made the new website responsive and adaptable to all screens (mobile and tablet). 4. SEO and Final Tests Finally, once the last tests and adjustments had been made, the website was passed on to the Marketing team to optimise the entire website (SEO, Google Search Console, Google My Business, etc.). 03/ Results A modern and innovative website that makes it easier for users to navigate and find information. It also generated new leads and strengthened PELICAN BAY’s relationship with its partner PROLogin. Website Prologin BeforeThen

Why SEO is important for your website

Currently, the presence of companies in the digital environment, through online platforms such as social networks and websites, is essential for their growth, as they offer a variety of benefits that would not be possible if companies limited themselves to using only channels offline, for example: In this article, the focus is to explain how, by optimizing your website’s SEO, we can make it stand out from your competitors in search engines, such as Google, in an organic way. SEO – what it is and how it can help you SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is an aspect of Digital Marketing. It involves improving different aspects of a website, both those visible to visitors, such as the content itself, and also non-visible elements, such as the title structure, the inclusion of links, page speed, meta descriptions, etc. others. By implementing correct SEO practices, search engines are able to better identify the website’s content, its relevance to those searching and its credibility among other websites, classifying and displaying organic results according to these factors.Being in the first results attracts more relevant traffic to the website, namely from visitors with greater interest in the products or services offered by the company, who searched, for example, for keywords present on the website in question, thus increasing the opportunities to receive qualified leads and potential customers. PELICAN BAY SEO, like other areas of Digital Marketing, doesn’t have to be a headache for you – at Pelican Bay we offer a specialized team, ready to resolve all questions related to this topic, such as: In addition, we also have Web Design services available, such as website development, so you have the possibility of improving yours, or creating one from scratch, with all the specifics you need.Would you like to know more about the subject? Don’t hesitate to contact us, we are happy to answer your questions!